Clouds (source:

The next couple of weeks should be interesting for me. I’ve got transiting Saturn forming a sextile to my natal sun: a grounding aspect that should have me feeling comfortable with who I am and my place in the universe. At the same time, I’ve got transiting Jupiter forming an opposition to my natal Neptune: an aspect that could have me feeling as if my head is in the clouds.

I believe that the Saturn aspect will be the prevailing theme in my life until the end of the month. The Jupiter aspect is shorter lived and neither Jupiter nor Neptune are personalized in my horoscope. However, I might need to strike a balance between these two disparate influences. After all, I’ve got a seventh house full of planets while these other aspects are occurring. In fact, next Friday when both of these transits are exact, Venus and retrograde Mercury will cross paths atop my seventh-house cusp, and the sun will be conjunct my part of fortune.

That’s a lot to take in! Nevertheless, I am going to try to let the Saturnine side of my nature be the guiding force in my life for the foreseeable future. I just got back from Las Vegas, so I’ve had a chance to stick my head in the clouds for a few days. In six months from now, I can allow myself to fulfill that need again.

Anyway, if I’m not spending a lot of time updating this blog, it’s because I’m working a super-early morning shift until I get some other people trained to do it for me. Hopefully, when I’m back to my regular schedule in May, I’ll be able to brag about the inroads I’ve made at work by heeding Saturn’s influence.

Until then . . .

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