Airplane (source:

I always get off the plane when I return from Vegas wondering when I should book another trip. I know that I like to go in fall when the weather starts to cool off down there, and I’m already looking at returning in mid-October.

Anyway, I thought that I should look at my horoscope to see when a good time to book a trip is in the stars. I figured that waiting until Mercury catches up with the sun would be a good idea. What I discovered is that both transiting Mercury and the sun will conjoin my natal Jupiter on June 14. Venus will almost be in the same place on that day, and transiting Jupiter will be forming a conjunction with my natal north node.

So, that’s the plan! Barring any complications, I’m going to book my next trip on that day. I’m going to purchase a pile of lottery tickets on that day, as well. It’s going to be a great day to plan for a more adventurous, more auspicious future. I’m pretty sure that the universe will cooperate . . .

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