Mercury moved into Pisces yesterday. While this post I wrote a while ago discusses a lengthy stay in the sign for the swift-moving planet, the last line of the passage still rings true.

Star Struck Style

gty_koi_mi_130728_16x9_992Koi Fish (source: ABC News)

Mercury moved into Pisces this morning where it will remain until April 17. It makes it all the way to the final degree of the sign before it begins its retrograde cycle, backing up to the middle of the sign before it goes direct in late March. It’s a fairly odd circumstance. Mercury typically spends about three weeks in a sign. This trip through Pisces is going to last for ten weeks.

So, what does that mean? For a while, things are going to get a little blurry. The photo above provides a terrific example of what I mean. Check out the way the koi seem to blur into the water. It’s difficult to determine where the fishes end and the water begins.

Confusion can be a big problem during a Mercury retrograde, especially when the planet stations. I believe that state of affairs…

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