Joan Crawford in “Strait-Jacket” (source: IMDB)

A day ago, I reblogged a post from a few years back where I discussed how the sun’s annual opposition to my natal Pluto occurs simultaneously with its yearly conjunction to my natal Chiron. That post contained the following passage:

“Yesterday the sun was opposite my natal Pluto in Virgo and conjunct my natal Chiron in Pisces. I had read about the first aspect on ‘Astrodienst’ because it was featured as the primary aspect in my customized daily horoscope. That horoscope warned me that people would want something from me, and that I could possibly be the victim of a crime. I took that advice with a grain of salt. However, my supervisor at the gym told me that a participant had made a complaint about me. I honestly laughed off the incident because it was ridiculous — the paranoid rantings of someone with some serious mental problems. My supervisor agreed with me, and when I shared the story later with a ‘witness,’ it was met with laughter and incredulity.

Later at home, I came across something on social media that made me feel a similar way: as if I was allowing someone else’s mental illness to impact the way I felt about myself.”

Without going into the gory details, the exact same thing happened to me again while I was at work yesterday.

I don’t know what it is about this particular planetary alignment that makes me into a lunatic magnet, but the regularity of this phenomenon is borne out on both this blog and my social media accounts.

Next year, I’m going to be extra careful so that I’m just not around anyone who can ruin my day with their insanity. I’ll stay home, shut the door and stay off social media. The universe is trying to tell me something, so I’d be crazy to not listen to what it has to say.

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