Mars enters my first house today, and many of the things I wrote in this post from a few years ago will once again hold true. However, Mars won’t turn retrograde for another year, and that’s something for which I can be thankful. Also, I need to take my own advice and evaluate where I’m directing my energy during this cycle, especially when it comes to professional matters.

Star Struck Style

MarsMars (source: Flickr)

Mars moves into my first house this morning for a brief stay. The red planet is moving swiftly through the signs at the moment, and it’s only going to spend about six weeks in the personality sector of my chart.

That’s probably as much Mars as I can handle, anyway. I’m thrilled to know that my physical energy level is supposed to increase, and I’m happy to know that the paranoia/reluctance to move forward associated with Mars in the twelfth house should be replaced with overconfidence and braggadocio — a more normal state of affairs for me. Yet I also appreciate the ebb and flow of these cycles. Come January, I’ll be ready for a break from the aggressive influence of the planet.

While I was checking out how long Mars would be in my first house, I decided to see where its 2018 retrograde would occur…

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