Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum (source: Wikipedia)

The sun enters my sixth house tomorrow for a three-week stay.

Using the Placidus house system, my sixth/twelfth houses are the smallest houses in my chart, and yet I feel an affinity with sixth house matters. I am a creature of habit and I thrive on a well-organized routine. That makes this time of the year feel important to me. I am empowered during this transit.

Curiously, I began my latest book three years ago on the day that the sun entered my sixth house. I felt as if it was a propitious time to devote myself to a project that would require the sort of discipline associated with this part of the zodiac.

I have no problem juggling several different balls at the same time. I just have to keep my eyes focused on all of them rather than letting one or two drop because the others seem more important at the time. The ability to create a regimen that balances the different elements of my life probably has something to do with my Libra rising sign, but the notion of sticking to a routine is a sixth house concept.

I actually don’t have any sixth house planets in my chart, so it is odd that I’m such a sixth house character. The combination of a Capricorn sun, Cancer moon and Libra ascendant doesn’t exactly endow me with a free-wheeling, anything-goes personality, though. It’s a disciplined mix, and self-discipline is a sixth house concept.

So, I’m just going to go with the cosmic flow and see what I can do to get the most out of this transit. Maybe I’ll stick to a budget. Maybe I’ll make some improvements to my diet. Maybe I’ll begin one of the online yoga-instructor courses I’ve been researching. Maybe I’ll get into a good rhythm with my writing routine and actually put together another book proposal.

The possibilities are endless, but I feel like this is the right time to explore endless possibilities. I really do come into my own this time of year.

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