Mr. Muddle (source: goodreads.com)

Mercury is conjunct my natal Neptune in a couple of hours and I couldn’t feel more muddled if I tried. I suppose that this is what it’s like to be in a “manic” phase. I can’t stop thinking of everything all at once. It’s exhausting.

My astro.com horoscope for the aspect is titled “Imaginative power.” They’ve sort of candy-coated their interpretation of the conjunction, trying to make it an easier pill to swallow. To me, it feels like I’ve forgotten to take my medication. I’m not actually on any medication, but I know how some of my friends behave when they don’t take their pills.

It’s lucky for me that I’ve got a couple of days off from work. My plan was to do some housework and maybe a little work around the yard. I’m going to the gym later to teach a class, too. Otherwise, there is nothing on my schedule that is going to be affected by my muddled mind. Thankfully, this is a short-lived aspect, because it’s occurring at the same time as the full moon. By the time I have to do anything important, the craziness of the current cosmic climate should be changing for the better. Mars forms a trine with my ascendant tomorrow, so I should be full of piss and vinegar instead of manic energy and self-delusion.

I can’t wait!

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