Frederique van der Wal (source: NY Times)

August 30 is Frederique van der Wal’s birthday.

I remember way back when Frederique (she only needed one name back then) won John Casablanca’s “Look of the Year” competition in 1985. I liked her then and I still like her now. She’s just so Dutch-looking! There were blondes galore on the covers of magazines in the mid-eighties, but they had this All-American thing going for them. Frederique was exotic, for lack of a better word.

As a fan, I’ve known her zodiac sign for a long time, but I’ve never looked up her natal chart. When I did, I came across some articles online about what the former model is doing nowadays. Her current claim to fame is “Frederique’s Choice,” a major floral retailer operating in several European countries.

I had no idea that Frederique is into flowers! Looking at her chart, she has a very good chance of possessing a Cancer moon. As you may already know, I have a Cancer moon. One of my numerous sidelines is gardening. I’ve written for prestigious garden publications, and for several years I sat on the Board of Directors for the Edmonton Horticultural Society as the Chairman of the Garden Competition. If you visit my Instagram account, you’ll have to scroll past dozens of flower pics just to find the occasional cat photo or a link to this blog.

To have a Cancer moon, Frederique’s birth would have occurred after 8:35 AM. In gardening astrology (yes, that’s a real thing), Virgo is considered to be a barren sign. That doesn’t mean that Virgo natives aren’t capable gardeners, but I would not expect an individual with a Virgo sun and a Gemini moon to be a entrepreneur specializing in the flower business. That seems like a great combo for a proof reader or someone who crafts something meticulously with their hands. However, someone with a Virgo sun and Cancer moon would be a natural in the biz. Curiously, what separates Frederique’s Choice from many other floral delivery companies is a Virgo-like attention to detail, especially in the lovely packaging.

It makes sense to me that someone with five planets in Virgo and a Cancer moon would end up where Frederique has ended up. I’d be thrilled to discover that I’m right.

Call me, Frederique!

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