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Mercury Station Wagon (source: YouTube)

Mercury went retrograde this morning.

I believe that Mercury stations are more annoying than Mercury retrogrades. Yesterday, for instance, during the Mercury station, I forgot to write a blog post. I woke up this morning and realized that I had pulled up Iman’s chart on my desktop, but I didn’t write anything about the legendary model. Duh!

I was hopped up on antihistamines, though. I have a valid excuse. Still, that’s the sort of thing I expect during a Mercury station. Even though the degree of the station was allowing the planet to form a nice trine with my natal Mercury, I still felt sort of dumb and uncommunicative. On the bright side, I had a great workout at the gym despite the virus I am currently fighting.

The unfortunate thing about this particular Mercury station is that it is nipping at the heels of tomorrow’s full moon eclipse. There’s enough going on in the sky right now. Mercury’s station is just adding insult to injury. Expect to be bombarded with bad news, fake news, improperly-reported news, etc. In a post last week, I advised you to disengage for the weekend if that helps you to avoid confrontation. This is good weekend to avoid the cable news stations and to turn off your Twitter notifications.

Let the people who are arrogant enough to believe that they know it all duke it out while you enjoy some summer sunshine in blissful ignorance. Imagine yourself in a classic Mercury station wagon, cruising down the road to nowhere, with no radio to remind you of what’s going on with Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Brexit. Ahhh!

That’s more like it, right?

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