Horizon (source: pexels.com)

Transiting Jupiter forms a trine with my natal Uranus while I’m in Las Vegas. The last time this transit occurred was just before the pandemic began in 2020, and then again in October of the same year due to Jupiter’s retrograde cycle. I can’t really pinpoint anything of tremendous significance happening either time except that I was recruited to participate in projects at work that involved my communication skills and attention to detail. I guess that makes sense considering that Jupiter was moving through my third house at the time.

This time, Jupiter will be forming this aspect just once from my eighth house. “Café Astrology” describes the uncommon event as follows:

“When Jupiter transits trine or sextile natal Uranus, you are in the position to see new potentials, possibilities, and opportunities where you’ve never seen them before during this transit that lasts from a month to nine months depending on whether Jupiter retrogrades over the degree or not.

It may feel that a coincidence leads to a happy experience or opening now. You might decide to begin a new venture or make an important change in your life, and it’s generally a happy one.

Feeling less attached or sentimental in certain areas of your life can be the reason for the new approach or the embracing of change and progress.

This can be the time of a windfall, promotion, opportunity, or an attitude change that leads to progress, growth, and development.

All things considered, this can be a good time for digital learning, travel, collaboration, group activities, teamwork, new transportation options, or a new course.”

I’m especially intrigued by the promise of “a windfall, promotion, opportunity, or an attitude change that leads to progress, growth, and development.” The idea that Jupiter will be just a couple of degrees away from Uranus when this happens is exciting, considering that Uranus is also transiting my Karmic eighth house. I’ve been waiting a long time for a lucky break. I feel as if I’ve had to work twice as hard as some of the people around me for comparable rewards. On the other hand, I’ll be in Las Vegas when this aspect is exact. Maybe I’ll actually hit the jackpot. Stranger things have happened!

In either case, I’m going to keep my eyes open for opportunities this April. I just know that good things are on the horizon for me.

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