Crabapple Blossoms

This morning’s eclipse has me feeling edgy and weird, as if I should be doing anything else but what I’m doing right now. I suppose that is to be expected considering it was just a degree away from my nodal axis.

I thought that I might get out into the garden where I can smell the crabapple blossoms, but it’s cold and windy this morning. Then I thought that I should work out, but that feeling was fleeting, as well. I do need to visit the big mall by my house to pick up something I ordered, but I really don’t feel like doing that either.

Hopefully, this state of mind will pass soon because I have no idea what the “something else” that I should be doing is. It’s a weird kind of restlessness/indecisiveness that I’m feeling which is not typical for me. I wonder if the Mercury and Saturn stations are contributing to my anxiety.

In a few hours from now, there is going to be a press conference in the province where I live that will let me know if I will be returning to work soon. Perhaps I’ll just wait it out until then because once I know where I’m headed in the long run, I’ll be able to figure out how to spend my time in the short term. That would be one way to interpret the influence of Saturn and Mercury on my current mindset.

Until then, I’m going to try to find something to do that distracts me; I just have to figure out what that is. I suppose that’s easier said than done . . .

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