Sleeping (source:

I published a post the other day entitled “Regeneration” where I discussed the sun’s ingress into my eighth house. This morning, the sun forms a trine with my natal sun from the eighth house, just a couple of days before the new moon arrives in the same sector of my chart.

Well, I’m already feeling regenerated! I slept for almost eleven hours last night without even realizing that I was sleep-deprived. Every now and then my body just tells me what it wants, and obviously it wanted me to catch up on my sleep!

I’m feeling fine this morning and ready to have a good day. My forecast for the sun trine sun transit seems to agree:

“Now you experience a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when you can be yourself with the fewest obstacles from people or circumstances. Various affairs in your life will hum along very nicely now, and you may be tempted to think that they will always go this well. But in fact this is the time to firm up your affairs and make sure that they are strong enough to withstand troubles that may come later on. You should examine the projects that have worked out well in the last few months and prepare them for a time in the near future when they will reach a critical culmination. Success in these matters is almost at hand, and you should use this time to prepare for it.”

I’m happiest to read about “the fewest obstacles.” The past few weeks have been a pain in the ass with my dental surgery and my back surgery disrupting my normally trouble-free existence. Add the injury from my fall in December to that list, and I’ve sort of been a wreck for a while. I can typically navigate the obstacles — it’s in my nature to find a way around them — but I’m so accustomed to having near-perfect health that any disruptions to that part of my life really seems to mess me up.

But I’m feeling as if all of that is behind me now. I haven’t gotten out of bed feeling this good for as long as I remember. I’m ready for this week’s new moon that forms an almost exact trine to my natal Pluto and an almost exact sextile to my natal Chiron. Astrologically speaking, it couldn’t be a better time for me to bust out of my cocoon like I alluded to in my previous post.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see what I can accomplish today while I still have these stitches in my back . . .

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