Rachel Notley & Danielle Smith (source: tricitynews.com)

I feel as if things have been going my way lately. I hope that trend continues today after the results are tabulated in the provincial election where I live.

I make a lot of fun of the mouth-breathing conspiracy nuts south of the border, but there are plenty of cousin-marrying morons in this part of the world, too. In fact, they tend to dominate provincial politics here in Alberta. The rest of Canada looks at us the way most Americans who aren’t inbred yokels high on bath salts or Christofascists look at a state like Alabama.

Nevertheless, I live in a riding in a city that typically doesn’t vote for candidates like the populist idiot on the right in the photo above — at least I’ve got that going for me. But I would be thrilled if the candidate on the left got back into office. For that reason, I went poking around the internet and I discovered that someone in the local astrology community has actually been following the election and posting here predictions on the site astrologyeh.ca.

There’s some solid information here! I couldn’t find anything that I would disagree with, and that makes me very hopeful that Danielle Smith is going to have a bad night when the votes are tabulated. Often, I get to a site like this to discover the rambling musings of someone who cannot see the forest for the trees. The author, Laurien Rueger, appears to be the real deal. I just hope that the two of us aren’t engaged in some wishful thinking of our own when we come to the conclusion that Danielle Smith is probably going to lose. Looking at transiting Uranus’ conjunction with her natal Saturn, and transiting Pluto’s square to her natal Mercury, I can’t imagine that she’s going to be victorious.

Of course, there’s more to this election than just the leader of the two parties vying for power. Still, that’s how people vote. The wild card in this situation is the absence of an accurate time of birth for either candidate: the bane of astrologers everywhere! It’s so much easier to put our reputations on the line when we have all the information we need to make our predictions.

But I applaud Laurien, anyway. There’s nothing more annoying than an astrologer who only publishes post-mortems of events like this. It’s great to see someone put their reputation on the line. Let’s just hope that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I can commend her for her accuracy.

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