Pluto (source:

Here’s an especially pretty, colorized image of Pluto. I don’t imagine that it really looks like that, but I suppose that none of us really know what it looks like. It’s kinda far away . . .

Because it is so distant, it moves like a snail’s pace through the zodiac. I should know since the planet has been conjunct my IC since March of 2019. When it goes direct tomorrow, it will finally begin moving out of orb from my chart’s nadir. Right around the time the sun moves into Sagittarius, Pluto will finally get off my back.

I looked around the internet to see what other astrologers had to say about this long-lasting transit. While the interpretations varied from one site to the next, the consensus was that this aspect has the potential to help someone break bad habits that were somehow forged in childhood. I guess that I can agree with that, even if I can’t pinpoint the particular events in my past that have shaped my psyche.

What I can put my finger on is a tendency toward self-sabotage. The last several months have taught me how to recognize exactly how and when I screw up my future by subconsciously allowing my past to thwart my progress. I don’t need to go into detail about each and every one of my bad habits, but it is clear to me that I have been able to move beyond many of them since this cycle began. As one would expect while discussing a Pluto transit, the effect has been transformative. I feel like a different person.

Most people will never go through this transit, but for those of you who will, I hope that your experience is similarly positive. Some of the things I read regarding this particular aspect seemed to focus on the trauma rather than the notion of moving beyond it. I’ll be the first person to tell you that dwelling upon how you got your wounds isn’t always the best approach to learning to live with your scars. However, I can see how this transit might facilitate that.

Nevertheless, I’m going to look at it in a positive light because I do feel as if it was productive. Like the person who decided that Pluto would look better colorized, I don’t want to focus on the darkness that can be associated with this planet while it forms tense aspects to the angles. Now that it is moving to brighter parts of my chart, maybe I won’t have to focus on those things.


  1. Reblogged this on Star Struck Style and commented:

    Wow, this post seems even more prescient today than it did a year ago! This is the sort of thing I hope people stumble upon when they visit my blog. You’re never going to really know an uncommon transit like this unless you live through it yourself.


  2. My IC is Libra 17 degrees, I have Pluto 21 degrees Libra in the fourth house, and the Moon also in the 4th House on the 2nd degree of Scorpio. Pluto in the 4th house conjunct the IC definitely indicates powerful emotions and emotionally charged experiences in the home that can be the driving force of your evolution and change. Unfortunately, for me this is not just a transit. Because it’s a natal placement it as become a way of life for better or worse. Good Luck.


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